Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hello guyz!

Had my camp last Friday. Finish on Monday. Was appointed the camp I/C on the 1st day of camp. Was doing well without getting any scoldings until during dinner time. Then another one during the hike. But then finish my job and Ben took over. . . as Camp day 2 I/C.

One of my worst and embarrassing punishment i had during the camp was to march around the carpark and shout "I WILL NOT TALK IN A SQUAD" Must keep on shouting continuosly and march like 5 rounds. I mean its like WTH man. . . So embarrassing. Coz i go talk with Ding Wei ah then the two of us do the punishment. haha. Some more its in front of the whole ANCO okay! So embarrasing sia.

But overall the camp was nice. I sure cant get the Overall best cadet anymore but there is a high chance that i might get the best platoon cadet. Please take note of the word "might". LOL.

Went to flag day yesterday. Collect quite a lot of money. Yi Man's tin was the heaviest and in the end it drop and the tin broke. LOL. help her put the money back inside. Went to Hazli house after Flag Day. My 5th or 6th time i tink. Then went to book court for today. 4pm to 6pm.

Just realised that Min Aung would be in the same platoon as me for this Saturday's St John Camp. Haha. Havent pack my bag yet. 2 more days. Still want play badminton 2day. haha. LOL.