Hey! Had a great day today!!!!
But start off with a 'not that bad morning'. this was wat happened. Going out of the house to fetch my mother from market. Then got one police car about to pullover under my block there. I was like very near to them and a bit suspicious cuz i was like scratching my head. To the police, I was covering my face.
The police stop beside me and ask where i was going and where i live. I just told the truth and they let me off. Phew. Mistaken identity. Turns out that they were looking out for a person who look like me. Thats what my mum told me cuz she got also see him b4. Aiya... It was cool though...
(Deleted Paragraph. Min Aung ask me one...)
Walk around LOt1 after the movie. Me and Wen Jun just slacking at Lot1. Then went home!